Thursday, February 12, 2009


So, I have wanted to start a blog for some time. Ideas swirling through my mind for months now of where to begin. I want to record the little things, the big things. For some reason, this was laid on my heart to start this morning. I ran in the house as soon as I got home, I didn't even park my car in the appropriate spot. Why this topic and why this morning of all things? Beats me.

It is almost the middle of February, too cold for much outdoor walking, although my new friend and I have tried to fit in as much as possible around her neighboorhood. I like to go super early, and decided to go to Forest Park as soon as I dropped Laurel off at school. Normally, I take my iPod, and turn up the volume as high as it will go. For some reason, this morning, I decided to forgo the music, instead enjoying this spring-like morning and the sheer quietness. Life has been a little, shall we say, hectic recently.

I started off bundled up as if a blizzard was on its way, coat and gloves, but those were soon shed. The sunshine began warming my skin, oh, how I have missed him these last few months! To be able to enjoy the songbirds; the robins, bluejays and cardinals foraging for their trinkets and treasures on the ground, what a treat! The killdeers, protecting their precious nests on the ground, and giving out their protective cries as I walked by. What an opportunity I would have missed if I would have been mindlessly drowning in the thud, thud of my earphones.

The beauty of nature is a source of great joy and comfort. Doesn't nature gives us a glimpse of the greatness of God?

Isaiah 55:12:

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the
mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

I needed this peace this morning. I needed to be captivated and awed. Isn't it amazing that when we feel overwhelmed in our lives, that God shows us how BIG he is, and that our problems are never too big for our God.


  1. This is beautiful and very eloquently written.

    I couldn't agree with you more.


  2. Absolutely beautiful. The detail was spectacular! I could feel the sun & hear the birds!

  3. I love what you wrote!!! I could not agree more! What a gift to be able to see and hear what you did! I am so glad you created this. It is such a great way to peek into someones life and thought's that are more easily written down than expressed through conversation. Thanks for allowing me to view it. Now we are FB friend and Blog Friend!!! You are an amazing writer!
